Letters ( revised ) | The Twenty-Ninth Letter | 490



It  is  this: they take  advantage  of the  human  traits  of  laziness,  the  desire  for physical comfort, and attachment  to other duties. Yes, satans among jinn and men attack from every angle. When they see those of our friends whose hearts are stout, intentions pure, loyalty strong, and enterprise, elevated, they attack from other sides. As follows:

In order to put a stop to our work and discourage from our service, they profit from  those  friends’  laziness,  desire  for  physical  comfort,  and  attachment  to  other duties. They keep people from the service of the Qur’an with every kind of trick so that without their being aware of it, more work is found for some of them. Then they cannot find the time to serve the Qur’an. And to others, they show the enticing things of this world so that arousing their desires, they become slack in their service; and so on. These ways of attack are numerous, so cutting them short, we refer them to your perspicacious understanding.

My brothers,  take great care! Your duty is sacred  and  your service,  elevated. Every hour of your time may be as valuable as a day’s worship. Be aware of this and don’t waste any of them!


O you who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance, strengthen each other; and fear God, that you may prosper.(3:200) * And sell not My signs for a miserable price.(5:44) * Glory to your Sustainer, the Lord of Honour and Power! [He is free] from what they ascribe [to Him]! * And peace be on the prophets! * And praise be to God, the Sustainer of All the Worlds.(37:180-2)

Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught

us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise!(2:32)

O God! Grant blessings and peace to our master Muhammad, the Beloved Unlettered Prophet, of Mighty Stature and Exalted Rank, and to his Family and Companions. Amen.


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