Letters ( revised ) | The Twenty-Ninth Letter | 495

T h e  S i x t h


In view of the treatment you have meted out to me, according to your belief, I oppose you in general fashion. You are sacrifing your religion and life in the hereafter for the sake of your lives in this world.  According  to  you, due to the opposition between us and contrary to you, we are all the time ready to sacrifice our life in this world  for  our  religion  and  for  the  hereafter.  To  sacrifice  two  or  three  years  of humiliating life under your domination in order to gain sacred martyrdom, is like the water of Kawthar for us. However, in order to make you tremble, relying on the effulgence and indications of the All-Wise Qur’an, I tell you this with certainty:

You shall not live after killing me! You shall be driven out of the world, your paradise and your beloved, by an irresistible hand, and swiftly cast into everlasting darkness. Behind me, your Nimrod-like chiefs will be quickly killed and sent to me. In the divine presence I shall grasp hold of them by their collars, and on divine justice casting them down to the lowest of the low, I shall take my revenge!

O you miserable wretches who sell religion and your lives in the hereafter for this world! If you want to live, do not interfere with me! I hope from divine mercy that my death will serve religion more than my life and will explode over your heads like a bomb, scattering you! Cause me trouble if you have the courage! If you do anything, you shall see! With all my strength I proclaim this verse in the face of all your threats:


Men said to them: “A great army is gathering against you;” and frightened them; but it only increased their faith. they said: “For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs.”(3:173)


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