Letters ( revised ) | Seeds of Reality | 535

61. The Qur’an, which is a mercy for mankind, only accepts a civilization that allows for the happiness of all, or at least of the majority. Modern civilization has been founded on five negative principles:

Its point of support is force, the mark of which is aggression.

Its aim and goal is benefit, the mark of which is jostling and tussling. Its principle in life is conflict, the mark of which is strife.

The bond between the masses is racialism and negative nationalism, which are nourished through devouring others; their mark is collision.

Its enticing service is inciting lust and passion and gratifying the desires. But lust transforms man into a beast.


As  for  the  civilization  the  Shari‘a  of  Muhammad  (UWBP)  comprises  and commands, it is as follows:

Its point of support is truth instead of force, the mark of which is justice and harmony.

Its goal is virtue in place of benefit, the mark of which is love and attraction.
        Its means of unity are the ties of religion,  country,  and class, in place of racialism  and  nationalism,  and  the  mark  of these  is sincere  brotherhood, peace, and only defence against external aggression.

In life its principle is mutual assistance instead of conflict, the mark of which is accord and solidarity.

And it offers guidance instead of lust, the mark of which is human progress and spiritual advancement.


Do not loosen your hands from Islam, the preserver of our existence; cling onto it with all your strength or you shall be lost!


62. A general disaster results from the error of the majority. Disaster is the result of crime and the introduction to reward.


63. A martyr supposes himself to be alive. He did not suffer the pangs of death, so he thinks the life he sacrificed is perpetual and has not been severed. But he finds it purer.


64. The pure justice of the Qur’an does not spill the life-blood of an innocent, even for the whole of humanity. The two are equal in the view of both divine power, and justice. Self-interest, however, makes man such that he will destroy anything that impedes his ambition, even the world if he can, and mankind.

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