Letters ( revised ) | Seeds of Reality | 541

O God! O Most Merciful! O Most Compassionate! O Single One! O Ever-Living One! O Self-Subsistent One! O Sapient One! O All-Just One! O Most Holy! For the sake of Your Greatest Name, and in veneration of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, and in honour of Your Most Noble Messenger, Upon whom be blessings and peace, bestow  everlasting  happiness  in  Paradise  on  the  publishers  of this book, the Letters of Bediuzzaman  Said Nursi, and on all those who assist them. Amen! And grant them unending success in the service of belief and the Qur’an. Amen! And for each word of the Letters write a thousand merits in the books of their good deeds. Amen! And bestow on  them  perseverance,  constancy,  and  sincerity  in  publishing  the Risale-i Nur. Amen!

O Most Merciful of the Merciful! Grant happiness in this world and the next to all the Students of the Risale-i Nur. Amen! Preserve them from the evil of satans among jinn and men. Amen! And forgive the faults of this powerless and wretched Said. Amen!


In the name of all the Students of the Risale-i Nur,


S a i d   N u r s i


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