The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 126

Would any among you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother?(33)

With six phrases, on six levels, it severely censures the backbiter. It is as follows:

With its interrogative form it says: “Think! Could such a thing be permitted? If your mind is not sound, look at your heart; could it love such a thing? And if your heart is not sound, examine your conscience; would it consent to destroying the life of society, as though tearing off your own flesh with your own teeth? And if you have no social conscience, examine your humanity; could it have such an appetite and such monstrous rapacity? If you have no humanity, think of fellowfeeling; could it incline towards an action that would break its own back? And if you have no humanity, is your inborn nature so completely corrupted that you tear at a corpse with your bare teeth?

That is to say, backbiting is repugnant to man’s mind, heart, conscience, humanity, fellowfeeling, and inborn nature, as well as to the Shari‘a, and is therefore to be utterly rejected.

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The person who does not understand the true meaning of cooperation is more lifeless than a stone. For some stones arch themselves to cooperate with their brothers. Such a stone, despite being a stone, leans towards his brother in the dome when he leaves the

(33) Qur’an, 49:12.
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