The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 129

A boat carrying numerous innocent people may not be sunk on account of one criminal. Similarly, enmity should not be nurtured towards a believer who pos-sesses numerous innocent attributes, because of a single criminal attribute.

In particular, belief and the affirmation of Divine Unity, the causes of love, are like Mount Uhud, while the causes of enmity are like pebbles. However unreason-able it is to think of pebbles being heavier than Mount Uhud, for a believer to be hostile towards another be-liever is lacking in heart to the same degree. Hostility between believers may only take the form of pity.

In Short: Belief demands love, and Islam demands brotherhood.

Words are like goods, wastefulness

in them is not permissible.

S a i d N u r s i

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