The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 21

If note is taken for example of the proofs and flashes of the Second Station of the TwentySecond Word, the First StoppingPlace of the ThirtySecond Word, the ‘Windows’ of the ThirtyThird Letter, and the eleven proofs of Asayı Musa (The Staff of Moses), it will be understood that it is the truths of the Qur’an manifested in the Risale-i Nur that will smash and destroy absolute disbelief and perverse misguidance at this time.

In the same way that the parts of the Risale-i Nur solving the greatest mysteries of religion and the riddles of the world’s creation have been collected together in Tılsımlar Mecmuası (The ‘Mysteries’ Collection), the pieces which describe the hell in this world of the people of misguidance and the paradiselike pleasures of the people of guidance and show that belief is like a seed of Paradise while unbelief is a seed of the Zakkumtree of Hell, will be put together in a small collection, God willing, and published.

S a i d N u r s i

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