The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 22
The Damascus Sermon

In the Name of God, the Merciful,
the Compassionate.

We too offer the praise and thanks and gifts that all animate creatures offer through the tongues of their beings and lives to their Creator, the Necessarily Existent One, Who said:

Do not despair of God’s mercy.(2)

And neverending blessings and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad the Elect of God (Upon whom blessings and peace), who said:

“I came to perfect morality.”(3)

That is, “An important reason for my being sent to mankind by Almighty God was to perfect good conduct and morality, and deliver mankind from immorality and vice.”

Having offered praise to God and sought His blessings for His Messenger, I say this: O my Arab brothers who are listening here in the Umayyad Mosque! I have not mounted this pulpit, which is far above my station,

(2) Qur’an, 39:53.
(3) ’Ajluni, Kashf al-Khafa, i, 211.

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