The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 31

that they have begun to do so. God willing, they will completely disappear in the future.

THE EIGHTH OBSTACLE : Since certain matters of modern science were imagined to oppose and be con-trary to the outer meanings of the truths of Islam, it prevented, to some extent, their prevailing in the past. Scientists and philosophers opposed Islam because they did not know the truth and, for example, imagined the two angels composed of spirit called Thawr and Hut, who are charged through a Divine command to oversee the globe of the earth, to be a great corporeal ox and fish.

There are hundreds of examples like this one. After learning the truth, even the most opinionated philoso-pher is compelled to submit to it. In the treatise called the Miraculousness of the Qur’an,(7) the Risale-i Nur points out flashes of the Qur’an’s miraculousness that lie beneath each of all the verses that science attacks, and it sets forth clearly the elevated truths, which the hand of science cannot reach, in those sentences and phrases of the Holy Qur’an that the scientists suppose to be points of criticism; it compels even the most obstinate philosopher to submit. It is clear and self-evident, any-one who wishes may look. -So let them look and see how this obstacle is being destroyed, as these words fore-casted forty-five years ago.

Some perspicacious Muslim scholars have indeed written on this subject. Signs that this eighth serious ob-stacle will be overturned are to be seen.

(7) The Twenty-Fifth Word. [Tr.]
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