The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 34

corrupted belief, will be transformed into Islam; following the Qur’an, it will unite with Islam?

Second Aspect

That is, the powerful reasons for Islam’s material progress show that Islam will also be materially dominant in the future. The First Aspect demonstrated its progress in moral and spiritual matters and this Second Aspect offers strong proofs for its material progress and supremacy in the future. For established in the heart of the Islamic world’s collective personality are five extremely powerful, unbreakable ‘Strengths,’ which have blended and coalesced.(9)

(9) We understand from the Qur’an’s teaching and instruction and what these indicate, that through mentioning the prophets’ miracles, the Qur’an is informing mankind that events similar to those miracles will come into existence in the future through progress, and is urging them to achieve them, saying:
"Come on work! Show examples of these miracles! Like the Prophet Solomon (UWP), cover a journey of two months in a day! Like the Prophet Jesus (UWP), work to discover the cure of the most frightful diseases! Like the Prophet Moses (UWP), extract the water of life from stone and deliver mankind from thirst! Like the Prophet Abraham (UWP), find materials and dress in them so that fire will not burn you! Like some of the prophets, listen to distant voices and see distant images in east and west! Like the Prophet David (UWP), soften iron like dough and make it like wax to meet the needs of mankind! How greatly you benefit from the clock and the ship, the miracles of the Prophet Joseph (UWP) and the Prophet Noah (UWP) respectively. Benefit in the same way from the miracles the other prophets taught you, and imitate them."
By analogy with the above, the Qur’an instructs mankind in every respect, urges them to material, moral and spiritual progress, and proves that it is the universal teacher and master.
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