The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 66

The believers, by reason of their belief, look on these events, not with fear and crumbled moral strength but with an extraordinary strength and fortitude, and with the truth that is in belief, like the innocent child in the comparison. They observe the planning and will of an AllWise Maker within the sphere of His wisdom and are saved from delusion and fears.

They understand and say: “If it were not for the command and permission of the AllWise Maker, these travelling universes could not be in motion, they could do nothing.” With perfect confidence, they manifest happiness in the life of this world, each according to his degree.

When the seed of truth born of belief and true religion are not present in a person’s heart and conscience, and are not his point of support, in the same way that Rustam and Hercules’ courage and heroism crumbled in the comparison, such a person’s courage and morale too will be annihilated and his conscience will decay. He will become prisoner to all the events in the universe. He will sink to being a trembling beggar before everything.

Since the Risale-i Nur has demonstrated this truth concerning belief and the fearsome wretchedness that misguidance brings in this world with hundreds of decisive proofs, we shall cut short this long and extensive truth here.

Man in this century has perceived that his greatest need is for moral and spiritual strength, solace, and fortitude. Therefore, for him to abandon Islam and the truths of belief at this time, which are a point of support

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