The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 68
First Addendum
Second Part

As in the comparison above, in the former period at the beginning of the Second Constitutional Period, a number of religiouslyminded deputies said to the Old Said:

“You make politics the tool of religion and the Shari‘a in every way possible and make it serve religion. You only support freedom on account of the Shari‘a. And you favour constitutionalism in so far as it is in conformity with the Shari‘a. That means one cannot have freedom and constitutionalism without the Shari‘a. It is for this reason that they included you among those who said ‘We want the Shari‘a’ during the Thirty-First of March Incident.”

The Old Said told them: “Yes, it is only through the truths of Islam that the Islam will prosper and flourish. Islamic society can function only through the Shari‘a of Islam and its worldly happiness be achieved. Otherwise justice will disappear, public security be overturned, immorality and base qualities prevail, and everything be run by liars and sycophants. As a small proof out of thousands of this truth, I offer the following story for your attention:

One time in the desert, a man was the guest of a nomad who was one of the people of reality. He saw that the desertdwellers did not concern themselves with guarding their belongings. His host had even left some money openly in the corner of the room. The guest asked him:

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