The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 94

and experience state that obedience to those in command who are rightful is obligatory.

You know that thirty million could not bring about two such revolutions in a hundred years. The true strength resulting from your obedience made the whole Islamic nation grateful to you. This honour may be confirmed now through obedience to your officers. The honour of Islam is also dependent on that obedience. I know that you did not get mixed up with it in order to save your officers who are like your kind fathers from responsibility. But the matter is finished now, so you should throw yourselves into their compassionate embrace. The Illustrious Shari‘a orders you to do this. For your officers have been charged with authority over you; for the benefit of the country and nation, and particularly to maintain discipline in the army, obedience to those charged with authority is obligatory. The Shari‘a of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) will also be preserved through your obedience.

S a i d N u r s i

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