The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 95
Address to the Army

Volkan No: 110

29 Rebîülevvel 1327/ 7 Nisan 1325/ 20 April 1909

O Soldiers of Islam! I remind you of the decree of the Glory of the World (Upon whom be blessings and peace) that it is obligatory to obey those in command within the bounds of the Shari‘a. Your commanders and masters are your officers. The army resembles a huge and orderly factory. If one cog of the machinery departs from the order and discipline, the whole factory is thrown into confusion.

Your orderly and powerful factory of the army is the point of support and source of help of thirty million Ottomans and three hundred million Muslims.

Your bloodless and instantaneous killing of two awesome despotisms was wondrous; you exhibited two miracles of the Illustrious Shari‘a, offering two proofs to those weak in belief of the power of Islamic zeal and the sacredness of the Shari‘a. Had the price of these two revolutions been thousands of martyrs, we still would

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