The Supreme Sign | Who was Bediuzzaman Said Nursi | 7
Who was
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
and what is
The Risale- i Nur?

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi was born in eastern Turkiye in 1873 and died in 1960 at the age of 87 after a life of exemplary struggle and selfsacrifice in the cause of Islam. He was a scholar of the highest tanding having studied not only all the traditional religious sciences but also modern science and had earned the name Bediuzzaman, Wonder of the Age, in his youth as a result of his outstanding ability and learning.

Bediuzzaman’s lifetime spanned the final decades of the Caliphate and Ottoman Empire, its collapse and dismemberment after the First World War, and, after its formation in 1923, the first thirtyseven years of the Republic, of which the years up to 1950 are famous for the Government’s repressive antiIslamic and anti-religious policies.

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