The Tongues of Reality | The Thirty Second Word | 18

universe within the grasp of his power, and who cannot see at one time all things with all their functions, and cannot do innumerable things at the same time, who is not all-present and all-seeing everywhere, who is not unconfined by space, and who does not possess infinite wisdom, knowledge, and power, such a one cannot own us, neither could he interfere.”

So the representative went off, saying: “Perhaps I will be able to persuade the globe of the earth and find something going for me there.” So he went and said to the globe,(5) once again on behalf of causes and in the language of nature: “Since you travel in such an aimless manner, you demonstrate that you have no owner. In which case, you can be mine.” To which the glole of earth replied in a thunderous voice, in the name of truth and with the tongue of reality:

“Do not talk such utter nonsense! How could I be


(5) In short, the particle referred the claimer to the red corpuscle. The red corpuscle referred him to the cell and the cell referred him to the human body; the human body to human race and the human race to the earth’s shirt, which is woven from all the species of animate creatures. The earth’s shirt referred him to the glode of the earth, which in turn referred him to the sun. And the sun referred him to all the stars. Each one of them said; "Go, if you are able to take possession of the next one up from me, do so, then come and try to be my master. If you are unable to defeat it, then you are unable to get possesion of me." That is to say, one whose authority does not extend to all the stars cannot make a single particle heed his claim to mastery.

No Voice