The Tongues of Reality | The Thirty Second Word | 3

As is the same with all the sections of the Risale-i Nur, this part, the Thirty-Second Word, is of fundamental importance. For, while pointing out how all the beings in the universe testify to God’s unity, its author, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, exposes the unsound basis of materialist and naturalist philosophy and goes on to answer and silence doubts that they raise. Together with this, Bediuzzaman sets before the reader in the most accessible manner brilliant proofs and explanations of God’s unity, oneness and creativity, and of the Divine perfections and love, thus showing that there is no other rational explanation for the existence of beings and the universe. Furthermore, he analyses unbelief and misguidance and spells out their grievous consequences for man, and examining belief and the way of the Qur’an, points out their positive and auspicious results in this world and the hereafter.

As bediuzzaman clearly explains in the Thirtieth Word, the origin of atheistic philosophy and misgui-dance

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