The Tongues of Reality | The Thirty Second Word | 5

nothing to necessitate that causes should possess any power, there is no need for them to do so.

Misguidance brings man nothing but trouble, difficulty and pain. It cannot answer his questions, offer him consolation. Solve the problem of death. It denies the very essence of his being. The path of unity, however, that of Holy Qur’an, leads man directly to the truth; the knowledge of God that he gains illumines himself and the universe, this world and the hereafter.

Lifting the veil of causality, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi points out this path. Demonstrating how all the beauty, art and perfection apparent in the universe indicate to the incomparanle beauty and perfections of the divine names, attributes and essence, he shows that God Almighty has infinite love and compassion for His creatures, that He creates out of love. Thus, the reader learns of his own duties of love and of the luminous pleasures of belief, only to be gained in the way of God’s unity and oneness.

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