The Tongues of Reality | The Thirty Second Word | 4

lies in man’s ’I’. Man can choose either to accept the fact of his own insubstantial ’I’ and submit to his Creator or he can choose to claim ownership of it and wrongly attribute actual power to it. Claiming ownership of himself he will be compelled to say that other beings beside himself own themselves; in other words, he will be compelled to ascribe the power to create to causes. At the same time, as a result of his wrong stand, he will not recognize that all beings are the property and officials of their Creator, each with their own functions and duties, and will unjustly seek to extend his ownership and domination over them.

In this book, considering the universe in the way that the Holy Qur’an directs. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi demonstrates that all beings from the greatest to the most minute, through their order, mutual relationship and duties, utterly reject these false claims of materialist and atheistic philosophy; they reject that they are anything but the property and officials of a Single Creator. Each rejects the notion of chance. Each ascribes all other beings to its own Creator. Each is a proof that God has no partners.

Through logical and clear analysis Bediuzzaman disproves causality, the basis of materialism. Even man, the most superior among causes. Has no real power to create, so how should animals and inanimate creatures possess any real power over other causes? Causes are a veil to the power of their Creator. Indeed, when the Creator’s unity and oneness are begun to be known and understood correctly, it will become clear that there is

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