The Miracles Of Muhammed | The Miracles of Muhammad | 110
A Passage Worthy of Being
Written in Gold and Diamonds

Yes, it was mentioned above: small stones glorifying praising God in his hand; in accordance with the verse, "When you threw, it was not you who threw," earth and small stones in the same hand becoming missiles and projectiles against the enemy, routing them; and according to the verse, "And the moon split," the moon splitting at a sign of the fingers of the same hand; and water flowing like a spring from the ten fingers of the same hand , and their providing a whole army with water; and the same hand being healing to the sick and wounded- all this shows what a wondrous miracle of Divine Power that blessed hand was. It was as if for friends his palm was a small place for the remembrance of God, for as soon as small stones entered it, they glorified God and recited His Names; while in the face of

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