The Miracles Of Muhammed | The Miracles of Muhammad | 111

enemies, it was a small dominical am-munitions store which when pebbles and earth entered it, they were transformed into missiles and projectiles. And for the sick and the wounded, it was a small pharmacy of the most Merciful One which was a cure for whatever ill ones it touched. When it rose with Glory, it split the moon, giving it the shape of two bows, while when it was lowered with Beauty, it became like a spring of mercy with ten spigots pouring forth the water of Kawthar. If the single hand of such one is the means of those wondrous miracles, is not then to be understood clearly how acceptable he is before the Creator of the Universe, and how loyal he is to his cause, and how fortunate are those who declare their allegiance to him?

F i f t h E x a m p l e : Having explained and authenticated it, Imam Baghawi relates: “At the Battle of Khandaq, ‘Ali b. al-Hakam’s leg was broken by the blow of an unbeliever. The Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) rubbed it. At the moment he did so, it was healed so that ‘Ali b. al-Hakam did not even dismount from his horse.”(195)

(195) Qadi Iyad, al-Shifa: i, 324; ‘Ali al-Qari, Sharh al-Shifa: i, 656; al-Khafaji, Sharh al-Shifa: iii, 118; al-Haythami, Majma’ al-Zawa’id iv, 134.

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