The Miracles Of Muhammed | The Miracles of Muhammad | 124

kingdom apart, so that in no part of the Sasanid empire did his sovereignty remain. However, the Emperor of Byzantium and other kings did not perish since they respected the Prophet’s letters.

The Second: An event almost as well-known as those reported unanimously, which some verses of the Qur’an allude to, is this: in the early days of Islam, the Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) was performing the prayers in the Masjid al-Haram, when the chiefs of the Quraysh gathered and maltreated him. At the time, God’s Prophet called down curses on them. Ibn Mas‘ud stated: “I swear that at the Battle of Badr I saw the corpses of all those who had ill-treated him and received his curse.”(223)

The Third: On their denying him, God’s Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) prayed that a large Arab tribe called the Mudariyya would be afflicted with drought and famine. All rain ceased and drought and famine occurred. Then the Quraysh, a branch of the Mudariyya, pleaded with the Prophet, and he prayed. Whereupon the rains came and put an end to the drought.(224) Having been reported unanimously, this incident is also well-known to the degree of unanımous reports.

(223) Bukhari, Salat 109; Manaqib al-Ansar 45; Muslim, Jihad 107 no: 1794; Musnad i, 417.
(224) Bukhari, Tafsir 30; 28:3; 44:3-4; Da’wat 58; Istisqa; 13; Qadi Iyad, al-Shifa: i, 328; ‘Ali al-Qari, Sharh al-Shifa: i, 663; Bayhaqi, Dala’il al-Nubuwwa ii, 324.

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