The Miracles Of Muhammed | The Miracles of Muhammad | 126

The Third: Once God’s Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) saw a man eating with his left hand. He ordered him to eat with his right hand. The man replied: “I can’t.” The Messenger said as a malediction: “Henceforth you will be unable to raise it.” And after that he was unable to use it.(227)

S i x t h E x a m p l e : Here we shall mention several events which are certain, from among the numerous wonders resulting from prayers of the Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace), and from his touch.

The First: God’s Messenger gave Khalid b. al-Walid, known as God’s Sword, several of his hairs and prayed for his victory in battle. Khalid put them in his cap. As the result of the hairs and the blessings of the prayer, there was never a battle in which he then fought, but he was victorious.(228)

The Second: Salman al-Farsi had formerly been a slave of the Jews. His masters had asked for a very high ransom, saying: “In order to gain your freedom, you must plant three hundred date-palms, and after they

(227) Muslim, Ashriba 107 no: 2021; Ibn Hibban, Sahih viii, 152; Qadi Iyad, al-Shifa: i, 328-9; ‘Ali al-Qari, Sharh al-Shifa: i, 666.
(228) Qadi Iyad, al-Shifa: i, 331; al-Haythami, Majma; al-Zawa’id ix, 349; al-‘Asqalani, al-Matalib al-Aliya iv, 90 no: 4044; al-Hakim, al-Mustradrak iii, 289.136; Qadi Iyad, al-Shifa: i, 331; al-Khafaji, Sharh al-Shifa: iii, 149

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