Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 33

The individual , even if he is a Genius, can be regarded as a mosquito as compared to the Collective Personality of the community....The word of a Sheikh-ul-Islam who rely upon such a Consultative Assembly would either cause the greatest genius to abandon his Jurisprudential interpretation (Ijtihaad), or restrict his opinion to himself.

Every competent person, though, can interprete the Law (in detail matters). However, his Jurisprudential Opinion , in order to be a guiding principle, must be met with approval by a kind of Consensus of the Scholars or the confirmation of the public....In the Illustrious Holy Law, the Consensus (Ijmaa) and the Public Opinion/Referendum (Ray ul-Jumhur) are always the sources of the Fatwa...

The natural members of the Consultative Council will be the Religious Leaders and Directors of the Departments in the Office of the Sheikh-ul-Islam and select Scholars of the Islamic World - fifteen or twenty of them for now - who had earned the trust and confidence of the Muslims due to their piousness and good moral qualities...(Sunuhat, 31)

The establishment of the Supreme Council of Islam will be based upon the Islamic Caliphate (Khilafat) which will be supported by the Islamic Unity. When Bediuzzaman put forth the proposal of the Consultative Council mentioned above,

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