Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 36

Many historical events inform us that as a result of true sincerity, solidarity, and consultation, ten men may perform the work of a thousand men. Man’s needs are endless and his enemies innumerable, and his strength and capital insignificant, and the number of destructive, harmful humans who have become like monsters through lack of religion is increasing. Just as, in the face of those endless enemies and innumerable needs, man’s personal life can continue only through the point of support and point of assistance that proceed from belief, so, too, can his social life endure only through the Collective Consultation enjoined by the Shari’a, that again proceeds from the truths of belief. It is only thus can he halt those enemies and open up a way to secure those needs.(The Damascus Sermon, 62)


The third condition for the realization of the Islamic Unity is that:

The Religious Groups and Communities which are the point of support of the Islamic Unity, must take the Principles and the Essentials of the Religion as the foundation of the Cooperation and must not dispute over the detail issues of the Religion and of their Paths.

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