Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 37

According to Bediuzzaman, it is essential to unite on the basic principles of the Sharia:

"Question: What is the solution that will correct the disunity and disagreements in the Islamic World?

The Answer: Firstly, to look at the High Purposes agreed unanimously. For, Our Allah is one and the same, our Prophet is the same, our Quran is one and the same, we all are in unanimity.

The details outside of the Essentials of the Religion or differences in modes of interpretation or ways of perception cannot upset this Unity and Union, and cannot be preferable...If "Al Hubbu Fillah" (the Love in the way of God) is taken as a guiding principle and if the Love of Truth governs all our actions (which Time is also helping much), then disagreements and disputes can be channelled towards a sound direction." (Sunuhat Tuluat Isharat, 83)

If unanimity concerning good leads to conflict concerning what is better, then sometimes good is better than the better. Right is truer than what is truer. Everyone should say about his own way that "It is right", he should not say "It is the only right way". Or he should say "It is good", but he should not say "It is the only good way". (The Letters, 550)

When you know your way and opinions to be true, you have the right to say, "My way is right and the best." But you do not have the right to say,

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