Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 41

Since they do not differ for the sake of the truth, they multiply ad infinitum, and give rise to divergences that can never be reconciled. The present status of the World is a witness (proof) of this... ,

I n S h o r t : If one does not make of the exalted rules, "Love for the sake of Allah, dislike for the sake of Allah, judgement for the sake of Allah" the guiding principles of one’s conduct, dispute and discord will result.

If one does not say, "dislike for the sake of God, judgement for the sake of God" and take due account of those principles, one’s attempts to do justice will result in injustice. (The Letters, 317)

According to a noble Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH}, noxious and awesome persons like Sufyan (Anti-Islam) and the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) will come to lead the hypocrites and atheists at the end of time, and exploiting the greed, discord and hatred amongst the Muslims and Mankind, they will need only a small force to reduce humanity to anarchy and the vast world of Islam to slavery.

O people of faith! If you do not wish to enter a humiliating condition of slavery, come to your senses and enter and take refuge in the citadel of:

"Indeed the believers are brothers..."

to defend yourselves against those oppressors who would exploit your differences!

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