Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 42

Otherwise you will be able neither to protect your lives nor to defend your rights. It is evident that if two champions are wrestling with each other, even a child can beat them. If two mountains are balanced in the scales, even a small stone can disturb their equilibrium and cause one to rise and the other to fall.

So O people of belief! Your strength is reduced to nothing as a result of your passions and biased partisanships, and you can be defeated by the slightest forces. If you have any interest in your social solidarity, then make of the exalted principle of "The believers are together like a well-founded building, one part of which supports the other" your guiding principle in life!

Then you will be delivered from humiliation in this world and wretchedness in the Hereafter. (The Letters, 319)


In the narrations of Hadith are various different prophecies about the Mahdi (May Allah be pleased with Him), who is one of the signs of the End of Time (the last two centuries of the World) and will be from the Family of the Prophet (Ahl-ul Bayt). In fact, some scholars and saints stated long ago that he had appeared..

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