Sincerity and Brotherhood | The Twentieth Flash | 7

by causing God’s pleasure to vanquish the pleasure of the soul and the ego, and thus manifesting the meaning of the verse:

Verily my reward is from God alone; (3)

by renouncing the material and moral reward to be had from men (4) and thus manifesting the meaning of the verse:


3. Qur’an, 11:29.

4. One should also take as one’s guide the quality of preferring others to oneself, the same quality of the Companions that is praised in the Qur’an. For example, when giving a present or performing an act of charity, one should always prefer the recipient to oneself, and without demanding or inwardly desiring any material reward for religious service, know one’s act to be purely God’s grace and not impose a sense of obligation on men. Nothing worldly should be sought in return for religious service, for otherwise sincerity will be lost. Men have many rights and claims, and may even deserve zakat. But it cannot be demanded. When one receives something, it cannot be said that “This is the reward for my service.” Rather in perfect contentment one should always prefer to oneself others who are more deserving. Thus manifesting the meaning of They prefer others to themselves, though poverty be their lot (Qur’an, 59:9), one may be saved from this terrible danger and gain sincerity.

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