Sincerity and Brotherhood | The Twenty Second Letter | 50

Be an enemy to your evil commanding soul and its caprice and attempt to reform it, for it inflicts more harm on you than all else. Do not engage in enmity against other believers on account of that injurious soul. Again, if you wish to cherish enmity, there are unbelievers and atheists in great abundance; be hostile to them. In the same way that the attribute of love is fit to receive love as its response, so too enmity will receive enmity as its own fitting response. If you wish to defeat your enemy, then respond to his evil with good. For if you respond with evil, enmity will increase, and even though he will be outwardly defeated, he will nurture hatred in his heart, and hostility will persist. But if you respond to him with good, he will repent and become your friend. The meaning of the lines:

If you treat the noble nobly, he will be yours, and if you treat the vile nobly, he will revolt,(8) is that it is the mark of the believer to be noble, and he will become submitted to you by noble treatment. And even if someone is apparently ignoble, he is noble with respect to his belief. It often happens that if you tell an evil man, "You are good, you are good, ” he will become good; and if you tell a good man, "You are bad, you are bad,” he will become bad. Hearken, therefore, to these sacred principles of the Qur’an, for happiness and safety are to be found in them:

(8) Mutanabi. See, al-Urf al-Tayyib fi Sharh Diwan al-Tayyib 387.
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