Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 111

So too is man a unit of measurement, an index, a scale, and a balance to the truths of the universe.

For example, an extremely decisive evidence of the existence of the Preserved Tablet in the universe and an example of it is the faculty of memory in man. And a decisive evidence of the existence of the World of Similitudes and an example of it is man’s faculty of imagination. And an evidence of the existence of spirit beings in the universe and an example of them are the powers and subtle faculties in man. (1) And so on. In a small measure man may display, in a manner that cannot be denied, the truths of belief in the universe.

Thus, man performs many important functions like the duties mentioned above. He is a mirror to enduring beauty. He is the place of manifestation announcing sempiternal perfection.


1- Indeed, just as the elements in man indicate and point to the elements in the universe, and his bones to its stones and rocks, his hair to its plants and trees, and the blood which flows in his body and the fluids which issue from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth to the spring and mineral waters of the earth, so too does man’s spirit point to the spirit world, his faculty of memory to the Preserved Tablet, and his power of imagination to the World of Similitudes, and so on. Each of his members and faculties points to a different world and bears decisive witness to their existence.

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