Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 108

Thus, the Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One has made man a centre and pivot of the whole universe; He has spread before him a table of bounties as broad as the universe, and subjugated the universe to him. The reason for this and for the universe in one respect subsisting through the mystery of Self-Subsistence manifest through man are man’s three important duties:

His First Duty

All the varieties of bounties dispersed throughout the universe are put into order through man. All those things beneficial to man are strung like prayer-beads on a string and the ends of the strings of those bounties tied to man’s head. Man is thus made like a list of all the varieties of the treasuries of mercy.

His Second Duty

By reason of his comprehensiveness, this is for man to be the most perfect addressee of the Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One; through appreciating and admiring His astonishing arts, to be His loudest herald; and through offering every kind of conscious thanks, to give praise, glory, and thanks for all the varieties of His bounties and the limitless different sorts of His gifts.

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