Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 105

Thus, all beings and all the different realms of beings, from the army of the stars to the army of minute particles, that is, from the largest sphere that is the vast belt known as the Milky Way to the sphere of the motion of red and white corpuscles, standing shoulder to shoulder in a manner gauged with the finest balance and measure demonstrates that all those beings are obedient and totally subjugated to the commands proceeding from ‘the command of “Be!” and it is.’

Now look beyond the greatest manifestation of the Name of All-Just to the greatest manifestation of the Name of Most Holy, which was explained in the First Point: the fact that it renders all the beings in the universe so pure, clean, clear, beautiful, adorned and shining demonstrates that it has bestowed on the universe and on all beings the form of beautiful mirrors worthy of and fitting for reflecting the utter essential beauty of the Absolutely Beautiful One and the sheer loveliness of the Most Beautiful Names.

In Short: These six Names and six lights of the Greatest Name have enwrapped the universe and all beings in ever-differing and various colours, embroideries and adornment.

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