Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 106

S e c o n d M a t t e r o f t h e F i f t h R a y

Just as the manifestation of Self-Subsistence in the universe is at the level of Unity and Glory, so is it in man, who is the centre, pivot, and conscious fruit of the universe, at the level of Oneness and Beauty. That is to say, just as the universe subsists through the mystery of Self-Subsistence, so too does it in one respect subsist through man, who is the most complete place of manifestation of the Name of Self-Subsistent. For, since most of the wisdom, aims, purposes, and benefits in the universe look to man, it is as if the manifestation of Self-Subsistence in him is a support for the universe. Indeed, it may be said that the Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One willed man to be in the universe and created it for him. For, with the comprehensiveness of his nature, man can understand and take pleasure in all the Divine Names. In particular he can understand many Divine Names through the pleasure to be found in sustenance. Whereas the angels cannot know them through that pleasure.

As a result of this important comprehensiveness of man, the Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One has given him a stomach and appetite through which He allows him to understand all His Names and to taste all the varieties of His bounty, and He has generously laden the table with endless varieties of foods for man’s stomach.

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