Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 72

You must forgive my defects for the sake of the beauties of the matters discussed.

A Reminder

The points concerning the Greatest Name are comprehensive to the utmost degree and also extremely profound, especially the matters concerned with the Name of Self-Subsistent, as are those of the First Ray in particular. 1 Furthermore since these latter look to the Materialists and have penetrated the subject to an even greater degree, everyone will not be able to understand every matter in all its aspects. However, everyone will be able to grasp a part of each matter to some extent. According to the rule of ‘Even if a thing is not wholly obtained, it still should be abandoned completely,’ it is not reasonable to leave aside such a matter altogether, saying: “I cannot pick all the fruits in this immaterial garden.” However many fruits a person can pick, that amount will be of benefit.

1- If the person reading this treatise does not have a knowledge of science, he should not begin with the First Ray; he should rather begin with the Second and read the First at the end.
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