Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 73

For just as the matters connected with the Greatest Name are extensive to the degree they cannot be comprehended, so are they also subtle to the degree the mind cannot distinguish them. Everyone’s mind may not reach the Fifth and Sixth Points concerning the Names of Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent, and in particular the allusions of life to the pillars of belief and particularly to the pillar of Divine Determining and Decree in the Fifth Point, but they will not remain without some share of them and in any event these matters will strengthen their belief. The importance of strengthening belief, which is the key to eternal happiness, is truly tremendous. Even an iota’s increase in belief is a treasure. Imam-i Rabbani, Ahmad al-Faruqi, said: “In my view, increase in only a small aspect of belief is preferable to experiencing hundreds of illuminations and spiritual delights.”

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