Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 76

There is nothing that is like unto Him. 1

That is, neither in His essence, nor in His attributes, nor in his actions has He like, equal, peer, or partner. Indeed, for a Most and Holy One Who takes the universe with its circumstances and functions in the grasp of His dominicality and Who regulates, administers, sustains and nurtures it with perfect order as though it was a house or a palace to have any like, equal, partner, or peer is not possible; it is impossible.

For sure, One for Whom the creation of the stars is as easy as that of particles, and to Whose power is subjugated the greatest thing in the same way that the most minute is subjugated, and for Whom nothing is an obstacle to any other thing and no action an obstacle to any other action, and in Whose view innumerable individuals are present in the same way that a single individual is present, and Who hears all voices simultaneously and is able to answer the limitless needs of all simultaneously, and outside the sphere of Whose will and volition is nothing, no state, as is testified to by all the order and balance that is present in the beings in the universe, and although He is in no place,

1- Qur’an, 42:11.
No Voice