Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 78

It is an embroidery, and cannot be the embroiderer. It is a register, and cannot be the accountant. It is a law, and cannot be the power. It is a pattern, and cannot be the source. It is a recipient and is passive, and cannot be the author. It is an order, and cannot the orderer. It is a code of creation, and cannot be the establisher of the code.

If, to suppose the impossible, the tiniest animate creature was referred to Nature and it was told: “You made this,” as is demonstrated in many places in the Risale-i Nur with decisive proofs, it would then be necessary to provide moulds, or rather machines, to the number of the tiny creature’s members and bodily systems so that Nature could carry out the work.

Moreover, although a group of the people of misguidance called Materialists perceived a greatest manifestation of Divine creativity and dominical power within the orderly transformations of minute particles, since they did not know from where the manifestation came and could not understand from where that universal force was being directed, which originated from the manifestation of the Eternally Besought One’s power, supposing matter and force to be pre-eternal, they began to attribute the Divine works to particles and their motion. Glory be to God! Is it possible for human beings to be so ignorant that they attribute the actions and works that can only be carried out by One Who is both beyond space and also present in such a way as to see, know,

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