Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 99

And for example, a just ruler takes pleasure and is gratified and feels proud at taking the part of the oppressed against tyrants in order to uphold justice, at protecting the poor against the wrongdoing of the powerful, and at giving to everyone his due. Since this is a fundamental rule of rulership and justice, then consider the following:

The Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One, Who is the All-Wise Ruler and is Absolutely Just, bestows on all creatures and especially on animate ones the necessary conditions for life, which are known as ‘the rights of life;’ and in order to preserve their lives, He grants them the necessary abilities and members; and He compassionately protects the weak from the evil of the powerful. Therefore, the dominical qualities and sacred meanings, which we are powerless to express, that arise from this and from the execution of the mystery of justice, which in this world is total with regard to establishing justice for all animate beings and partial with regard to punishing wrongdoers, and especially that arise from the manifestation of supreme justice at the Supreme Tribunal of the Resurrection, necessitate the constant activity in the universe.

Thus, as these three examples show, since each of the Most Beautiful Names is the means for certain sacred Divine qualities in this unceasing activity, they require unceasing creativity.

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