Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 96

and will display countless tableaux out of a finite and limited thing and numerous individuals out of a single individual and multiple truths out of a single truth.


The Third Branch of the wisdom in the constant and astonishing activity in the universe. Everyone who is compassionate is happy at giving pleasure to others; and everyone who is kind is gratified at making others happy; everyone who is loving is gladdened by pleasing others who are worthy of being pleased; and everyone who is noble-hearted takes pleasure at making others happy; everyone who is just rejoices at upholding justice and at winning the gratitude of those whose rights are vindicated by punishing those who deserve it; and every skilful craftsman takes pride in exhibiting his work, at its functioning as he imagined it would function, and at its giving the desired results.

Thus, each of the above-mentioned principles is a fundamental rule which is in force throughout the universe and the world of mankind. Three examples demonstrating that these rules function in the Divine Names have been explained in the Third Stopping Place of the Thirty-Second Word.

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