Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 93

not permitting them even to draw a breath, it discharges them from the life of this world. It continuously fills the guest-house of the world and empties it without the guests’ consent. Making the globe of the earth like a slate for writing and erasing, through the manifestation of

He grants life and deals death, 1 the pen of Divine Determining and Decree ceaselessly inscribes on it writings, and renews and replaces them.

One meaning of the wisdom in this dominical activity and Divine creativity and a fundamental requirement and a motive cause of them is a limitless, endless instance of wisdom that may be divided into three important branches.

The First Branch of that wisdom is this: Every sort of activity, whether particular or universal, yields pleasure. Rather, there is a pleasure in all activity. Indeed, activity is pure pleasure. Or, activity is the manifestation of existence, which is pure pleasure and is the shaking off and becoming distant from non-existence, which is pure suffering.

1- Qur’an, 2:258.

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