Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 91

By means of one or two introductory points, we shall point out to a small degree the disclosure of the mystery of Self-Subsistence within Divine creativity and dominical activity, which verses like the following allude to:

Every day He manifests Himself in yet another way. 1 * A sovereign doer of whatever He wills. 2 * He creates whatever he wishes. 3 * In Whose hand is the dominion of all things. 4 * So look to the signs of God’s mercy, how He restores the earth to life after its death. 5

1- Qur’an, 55:29.
2- Qur’an, 11:107.
3- Qur’an, 30:34, etc.
4- Qur’an, 36:83.
5- Qur’an, 30:50.

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