Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 94

Everyone with ability follows with pleasure the unfolding of his ability through activity. The revealing of innate talents through activity arises from a pleasure and results in a pleasure. Everyone who possesses some perfections follows with pleasure their disclosure through activity.

Since there is present in every activity a perfection and pleasure which is thus loved and sought after, and activity too is a perfection; and since there are apparent in the world of animate creatures the manifestations of a boundless love and infinite compassion which arise from a perpetual and pre-eternal life; those manifestations show that as the requirement of that eternal Life which is fitting for the Necessary Existence of the One Who thus loves and is compassionate and makes Himself loved, and is worthy of His Holiness, there are (if the terms are not mistaken) at the utmost level sacred qualities in that Most Pure and Holy Life like Divine passion, hallowed love, and sheer pleasure. And it is these qualities that continuously renew, agitate, and change the universe through endless activity and an infinite creativity.

The Second Branch of the wisdom in the limitless Divine activity which looks to the mystery of Self Subsistence. This looks to the Divine Names. It is well known that everyone who possesses beauty wants to both see and display his beauty; that everyone who possesses some skills desires and loves to attract attention to his skills by exhibiting and proclaiming them;

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