Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 122

themselves for the nation, and certain unqualified, phoney Seyhs who claimed exceptional spiritual powers" had drained the nation of material and moral resources, thereby extinguishing the sense of nationhood, and breaking up and destroying the collectivity of the nation. This idea of the collectivity, or the "collective personality" or "corporate identity" (Sahs-i Manevi) of a nation or social body, is frequently encountered in Bediuzzaman's writings. He described the modern age as "the age of the group or social body (cemaat)... If the `collective personality' , which is the spirit of a social body, is righteous, it is more brilliant and complete (than that of an individual]. But if it is bad, it is exceedingly bad..." That is to say, Bediuzzaman is explaining to the people of eastern Anatolia that what falls to them now is to transcend their narrow traditional interests and loyalties, expand their ideas, and develop, or rather regain, a consciousness of Islamic nationhood. He told them:

"If only those who hold their lives in little account for some benefit, or minor matter of reputation, or imaginary glory, or to hear the words: `So and so's a brave hero', or to uphold the honour of their agas were to awake , would they not hold their lives in little account, and thousands of souls too if they possessed them, for the nation of Islam, which is worth treasuries; that is, the nation of Islam which gains them the brotherhood and moral assistance of three hundred million Muslims?..."

Bediuzzaman went on to say that the willingness to sacrifice one's life for the nation was essentially part of the high morality of Islam, and a requirement of it, which had been stolen from them by non-Muslims. It was the foundation of modem progress. He continued: "We must declare with our spirits, lives, consciences, minds, and all our strength: `If we die, Islam, which is our nation, lives; it will live for ever. Let my nation be strong and well. Reward in the Hereafter is enough for me. My life as part of the nation will make me live; it will make happy in the world above.”

Thus, to recapitulate, with "the destruction of the barrier of despotism" , constitutionalism and the idea of Freedom had spread

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