Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 365

we earnestly pity them. I am ready to prove this certain and important fact and also to silence the most stubborn of them. If I could not prove it as clearly as daylight, not to that unscholarly, prejudiced committee of scholars who knew nothing of spiritual and moral matters, but to the greatest scholars and philosophers. I should be content with any punishment!
"Just as an example, I offer the treatise. The Fruits of Belief, which was written for the prisoners on two Fridays, and explaining the principles and bases of the Risale-i Nur, is like a defence of it. We are working secretly under great difficulties to have this written out in the new letters so as to give it to the departments of government in Ankara. And so. read and study it carefully; if your heart (I cannot speak for your soul) does not affirm me, I shall remain silent in the face of whatever insults and torment you inflict on me in the solitary confinement in which I now am!
"In Short: either leave the Risale-i Nur completely free, or smash this powerful and irrefutable truth if you can! Up to now, I have not thought of you and your world. And I was not going to think of it, but you forced me, and perhaps even Divine Determining sent us on this way in order to warn you. As for us, we are resolved to take as our guide the sacred rule, `Whoever believes in Divine Determining is safe from grief' and to meet all our difficulties with patience.
"Said Nursi"

"In His Name. be He glorified!
"I have formed the certain opinion as a result of numerous indications that we have not been attacked for `disturbing public security by exploiting religious feelings' on behalf of the Government but, behind a tissue of lies, on behalf of atheism, because of our belief and our service to belief and public order. One proof of this out of

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