Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 366

many is that despite twenty thousand people reading and accepting the twenty thousand copies of the parts of the Risale-i Nur over twenty years, public order has not been disturbed by Students of the Risale-i Nur on any occasion whatsoever, and no such incident has been recorded by the Government, and neither the former nor the present courts have found such an incident. Whereas, such numerous and powerful propaganda should have shown itself within twenty days. That is to say, contrary to the principle of freedom of conscience, Article 163 of this ambiguous law, which embraces all who give religious counsel, is a bogus mask. Atheists deceive certain members of the Government, confuse the legal establishment. and want to crush us whatever happens.
"Since the reality of the matter is this, we say with all our strength: O wretches who sell religion for the world and have fallen into absolute unbelief! Do whatever you can! Your world will be the end of you! Let our heads also be sacrificed for a truth that hundreds of millions of heads have been sacrificed for! We are ready for any penalty and for our execution! In this situation. being outside prison is a hundred times worse than being inside it. Since there is no freedom at all - neither religious freedom, nor freedom of conscience, nor scholarly freedom - under the absolute despotism that confronts us, for those with honour, the people of religion, and supporters of freedom there is no solution apart from death or entering prison. We say, We belong to God and our return is to Him. and we trust in our Sustainer.

"Said Nursi”

"In His Name, be He glorified!
“...the Ankara committee of experts has confirmed our decisive reply to the accusation of forming a society insistently put forward by you as a pretext for our conviction, which you have decided upon [as may be deduced from) the course followed by the prosecution.

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