Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 367

While being amazed and astonished at your insisting on this point to this degree this meaning occurred to me: since friendship, fraternal communities, gathering together, sincere associations pertaining the hereafter and brotherhood arc each a foundation stone of social life, an essential need of human nature, the most necessary and strongest bond from family life to the life of tribe, nation, Islam, and humanity, and a point of support and means of consolation in the face of the assaults of the material and immaterial things which cause harm and alarm and which each person encounters in the universe and cannot combat on his own, and prevent him carrying out his human and Islamic duties; and since there are some who give the name of political society, although it has no political front, to the gathering together of the Students of the Risale-i Nur around the teachings of belief, which is most praiseworthy and is a sincere friendship [centred on the teachings of belief and the Qur'an as the certain means to both happiness in this world and in religion and in the hereafter, and is a companionship on the way of truth, and cooperation and solidarity in the face of things harmful to the country and the nation, most certainly and without any doubt, they have either been deceived in some appalling manner, or they arc extremely vicious anarchists who are both barbarously inimical to humanity, and tyranically hostile to Islam , and harbour enmity towards social life in the utterly corrupt and depraved manner of anarchy, and strive obdurately and intractably as apostates against this country and nation. the sovereignty of Islam and sacred things of religion. Or they are satanic atheists who. working on behalf of foreigners to cut and destroy the life-giving arteries of this nation. are deceiving the Government and confusing the legal establishment in order to destroy or turn a against our brothers and our country the immaterial weapons which up t now we have used against them - those satans, pharaohs, and anarchists.
"Said Nursi"

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