The Rays | The Seventh Ray | 210

In spring, just as He brings to life a single fly with a single order, so too He bestows life with the same ease and the same command on the whole species of fly, as well as all the hosts of plants and animals, through the mystery of the wisdom and equilibrium inherent in His power, and then sends them forth onto the plain of life.

In the same way that he swiftly gives life to a tree in spring and infuses vitality in its bones, with His wise and just absolute power, He also resurrects in the spring the corpse of the vast earth and brings into being hundreds of thousands of different specimens of resurrection similar to the tree, all this with the greatest of ease.

With His creative command, He brings the earth back to life. By the decree of,

There will be but a single cry, then they shall all be brought nigh unto Us;37

that is, “all men and jinn, with a single cry and command shall be brought to Us and made present at the plain of resurrection.” Again, by His command,

The hour shall be but a blinking of the eye, or even closer;38

that is, the bringing about of resurrection and the gathering that follows upon it shall take no longer than the opening and closing of an eye, or even less. Then there is the verse,

Your creation and resurrection is as a single soul,39

meaning the following: “O men! To create you and to bring you to life, to resurrect and gather you, is as easy for me as bringing one soul to life; it presents no problem to My power.” Acccording to the inner sense of these three verses, God will bring all men and jinn, all animals, spirit beings and angels to the field of the Supreme Gathering and the great balance with a single command and with great ease. One concern does not interfere with another.

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