The Rays | The Seventh Ray | 212

is on all things. In the same way that He is not in any place, he is present in every place. Like the sun, all things are distant from Him, but He is close to all things. Just as the greatest objects, such as the Milky Way and the solar system, are not difficult for Him, so too the cells in man’s blood and the thoughts that pass across his heart are not secret from Him nor beyond the reach of His power.

However great and multitudinous a thing may be, it is as easy for Him as the smallest and scarcest thing, for He creates with ease a fly on the model of an eagle, a seed in the form of a tree, a tree in the shape of a garden, a garden with the artistry of a spring, and a spring on the scale of a resurrection. Things most valuable in their artistry He gives to us and bestows upon us most cheaply. The price that He asks of us is merely to say “In the name of God” and “Praise be to God.” In other words, the accepted price for all those numerous precious bounties is to say at the beginning of all things, “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate,” and at their end, “Praise be to God.”

Since this Fourth Truth is explained and proved elsewhere in the Risale-i Nur, we content ourselves here with this brief allusion.

THE FIFTH TRUTH perceived by our traveller at the second stage: the existence in the entirety of the cosmos, its pillars and parts and all the beings contained in it, of the most perfect order and regularity; the sameness of the substances and purposive beings that are the means of the rotation and administration of that vast kingdom and are connected to its general scheme; the fact that the Divine Names and deeds that are at work in that magnificent city, that vast exhibition, encompass and comprehend all things or most things, despite their being one within the other, and of the same nature, and the same, and their being the same Name and deed in every place; the fact that the elements and species that are the means for the administration, inhabiting, and construction of that well-adorned palace, cover the whole face of the earth in their diffusion, despite their being one within the other, of the same nature, and the same element and the same species being found everywhere — all of this demands, proves, and affirms, necessarily and self-evidently, the following:

The Maker and Disposer of this cosmos, the Monarch and Nurturer of this realm, the Master and Builder of this palace, is one,

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