The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 316

A Letter From Husrev40 to Üstad Bediuzzaman Said Nursi Concerning the Tenth Topic

My Dear and Esteemed Master,

Endless thanks be to Almighty God that we have received ‘A Flower of Emirdag,’ the Tenth Topic of the Fruits of Denizli, which has ameliorated our grief at our two months’ separation and our distress at having been unable to communicate, and enumerates the virtues of the repetition of the Qur’an’s glorious, august, merciful and compassionate verses, which infuse our hearts with fresh life and breathe into our spirits a fresh breeze, and explains the necessity, significance, and reason for the repetitions, and is too a brilliant defence of the Risale-i Nur. In truth, the more we receive the scent of this flower, so deserving of praise and appreciation, the yearning of our spirits for it increased. Just as how in the face of the difficulties of our nine months’ imprisonment, the nine Topics of the Fruits Of Belief showed their beauty by contributing to our being released, so through pointing out the wonders of the concise miraculousness of the Qur’an, the Tenth Topic, their Flower, again exhibited their beauty.

Yes, my beloved Master, like the superb, delicate beauty of the rose makes the beholder forget the thorns on its stem, so this luminous Flower has made us forget the distress of those nine months; it has made it as nothing. The manner of its writing does not cloy those studying it; it astounds the mind. Of the many beauties it contains, by showing fully the value of the repetitions in the face of the treachery of ‘simplifying’ the Qur’an in people’s eyes by translating it, it has set forth its universal loftiness. The Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition being proved to be as fresh as though it was

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